We see a lot of camping equipment here and it seems the most popular item is the cast iron pan. Uses for this little treasure are vast. You can cook in it inside your RV, on your grill, or even over the coals of a campfire.
Cast Iron will keep your food warm for a long time after you’ve taken it off its heat source and it is durable as can be. Many people are cooking in cast iron that has been handed down through generations.
It requires some special care, however, as it can rust and get ruined. Most people refrain from washing their cast iron with soap. Typically just using hot water, and maybe even setting it back on the heat source to boil a little, will be all you need to clean it for the next meal. It’s best to do this when the pan is hot.
If the pan does happen to rust you can try scrubbing it with salt. The abrasive qualities of salt will lift the rust and the salt itself will lift food that is stuck to the pan.
Cast iron can be heavy and RVers, especially, are concerned with weight. These pans are versatile so even just one good one can be used over and over. They will scratch if not protected so most people pack them with soft cloth or towels.
We see a lot of trends come and go in the camping industry but cast iron has been around for a very long time and we suspect it will be for a long time to come.