Dutch Ovens have been around for a long time and there is a good reason for it. Many people have Dutch Ovens that have been handed down from their parents or grandparents. They are nearly indestructible, can withstand very high temperatures, and make a really mean one-pot-meal.
The meals you can cook in them are not limited to a robust chili, though it’s delicious. You can even make desserts in your Dutch Oven. Imagine making a tasty Peach Cobbler for the whole family while camping. You’ll be the hit of the trip. We see a lot of crafty meals around the campfire and found some recipes you might like to try.
Baked Salmon
Your Salmon will be crowd pleasing with this recipe. You’ll layer Salmon strips, mushrooms, green onions, some cream cheese, and lemons, garlic and black pepper. Because it is fish, it won’t need to cook for long so keep an eye on it. Try this one the next time you are camping and we think it will become a family favorite.
Hot & Spicy Chicken
This mouth watering delight will come together in just over an hour or so. You start with two chickens which are quartered and skinned. You’ll be adding soy sauce, red wine vinegar, cloves, ginger, brown sugar, some cayenne and nutmeg. It is sweet, savory, and as hot as you’d like to make it.
One Pot Tortilla Breakfast
This is a mixture you will be creating to put on tortillas. You’ll need green and red peppers (or yellow works well too), some onion, packaged taco seasoning, evaporated milk, half a dozen eggs, some sour cream and a jar of salsa. The flavors will meld as you cook and the filling will make a delicious dinner in a soft tortilla.
Apple Crisp
For this, you can slice up some tasty apples. Seperately, you will combine flour, sugar, margarine, salt, cinnamon, brown sugar, and nutmeg into a crumble. Put this on top of the apple slices and soon you’ll have a mouth watering Dutch Oven Apple Crisp.
You’ll find these recipes and many more at Dutch Oven Recipes For Campfire Cooking