Camping is the time for grilling and we all love digging in to those old favorites over the gas grill, campfire, or charcoal. Most of us appreciate learning tips that will make the job easier and the food tastier.
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10. Safe Handling – keep raw meet seperate from other ingredients and wash your hands thoroughly after handling.
9. Marinades and Rubs Matter – They bring out the flavor of your meal. Be creative and never return the cooked meat to the container you marinated it in.
8. Use the Right Tools – Choose tongs, forks, spatulas and spoons that are right for the job.
7. Use High Heat – Get your grill or charcoal good and hot before adding the food you plan to cook.
6. Use Direct and Indirect Heat – Sear the meat over high heat and then move it to the cooler areas of your grill to finish cooking.
5. Control Flair-ups – Trim excess fat and go light on the oil in your marinade. This will help.
4. Cook with Wood – Fragrant hard wood will add a variety of smoky flavors to your food.
3. Don’t Crowd the Grill – Leave equal space around your food as you cook it. It will help in cooking evenly and also in turning your food when it’s time.
2. Know When it’s Done – Cook your food evenly without charring. Charred food are not recommended as it is believed they contain carcinogens. Let meat rest when you take it off the grill.
1. Grill Your Veggies – They will caramelize and become even sweeter. You’ll love your veggies even more when they’ve been grilled to perfection at the campsite.
You’ll get more tips by watching the video and you can find out the perfect temperatures and cooking times for a variety of foods. Have a wonderful time grilling this summer. We hope all your meals are memorable ones.